CFW 4.82 Update Terbaru | Buku Catatan si Ugi

CFW 4.82 Update terbaru ini di dedikasikan untuk pengguna PlayStation 3 Costum FirmWare (PS3 CFW), yang dirilis berdasarkan peluncuran OFW 4.82 oleh Sony. FirmWare CFW 4.82 ini versi FERROX yang dirilis developer Alexander. Ada 3 versi FirmWare yang saya bagikan kali ini, CFW 4.82 FERROX STANDARD EDITION, CFW 4.82 FERROX v1.01 COBRA 7.55, CFW 4.82 FERROX NoBD COBRA 7.55.

CFW 4.82 Update Terbaru


- Built from base of 4.82 OFW
- Can be installed from every CEX CFW and 3.55 OFW
- QA Flags enabled if already enabled, so there is the possibility to Downgrade to every Fw version
- ReactPSN Compatibility
- RSOD Screen Bypass
- App_home/PS3_GAME
- XMB In-Game Screenshot
- Remote Play Compatibility
- Install Package Files
- LV1: Patched to remove PS2 LV2 Protection
- LV1: Patched coreOS Hash Check to prevent Brick non non-Dehashed consoles
- LV1: Peek & Poke
- LV2: Peek & Poke
- Disabled Epilepsy message
- CINAVIA completely Disabled

Download Link:
MD5: c504f8ad56a3fc4d27b1f9101b873554​

2. CFW 4.82 FERROX v1.01 COBRA 7.55.

- Built from the base of OFW 4.82
- Can be installed from every CEX CFW and 3.55 OFW and 4.82 OFW via PS3Xploit
- QA Flags enabled if already enabled, so there is the possibility to Downgrade to every Fw version
- COBRA 7.55
- Optional Graphic mods can be installed, along with HB Store. Read under the features.
- PS2, PSX, PSP ISO / Minis / Remasterred Compatibility
- ReactPSN Compatibility
- RSOD Screen Bypass
- App_home/PS3_GAME
- XMB In-Game Screenshot
- Remote Play Compatibility
- Package Manager replaces the classic Install Install Package Files
- CPU & RSX Temperature are now shown on XMB In-Game while playing PS2 Games
- LV1: Patched to remove PS2 LV2 Protection
- LV1: Patched coreOS Hash Check to prevent Brick non non-Dehashed consoles
- LV1: Peek & Poke
- LV2: Peek & Poke
- Disabled Epilepsy message
- CINAVIA completely Disabled

Download Link:
Download - CFW 4.82 FERROX v1.01 COBRA 7.55
MD5: 4ea0375a93cd888afbdf8797bb1a9d4f

3. CFW 4.82 FERROX NoBD COBRA 7.55

- Built from the base of OFW 4.82
- Can be installed from every CEX CFW and 3.55 OFW and 4.82 OFW via PS3Xploit
- QA Flags enabled if already enabled, so there is the possibility to Downgrade to every Fw version
- COBRA 7.55
- NoBD Patch
- Optional Graphic mods can be installed, along with HB Store. Read under the features.
- PS2, PSX, PSP ISO / Minis / Remastered / PKG Compatibility
- ReactPSN Compatibility
- RSOD Screen Bypass
- App_home/PS3_GAME
- XMB In-Game Screenshot
- Remote Play Compatibility
- Package Manager replaces the classic Install Install Package Files
- CPU & RSX Temperature are now shown on XMB In-Game while playing PS2 Games
- LV1: Patched to remove PS2 LV2 Protection
- LV1: Patched coreOS Hash Check to prevent Brick non non-Dehashed consoles
- LV1: Peek & Poke
- LV2: Peek & Poke
- Disabled Epilepsy message
- CINAVIA completely Disabled

Anda bisa memasang CFW ini juga dari OFW 4.82. Ikuti Panduan ini: DISINI
Ingat: Gunakan PS3Xploit hanya di OFW 4.82 !!! JANGAN menggunakannya di CFW!

Download Link:
Download - CFW 4.82 FERROX NoBD COBRA 7.55
MD5: 8f70b35dcfbcfdf9f99a2d6f8d686b7b

Itulah beberapa FirmWare yang dapat anda gunakan untuk meng-Upgrade FirmWare PS3 CFW. Untuk tutorialnya bisa dilihat di Cara Upgrade Firmware PS3 CFW

19 komentar:

  1. "The data ia corrupted.

    Sudah download berulang ulang tetap kayak gitu pas di coba.

    1. Apakah pernah mencoba menginstal dengan menggunakan opsi Safe Mode dan mengalami hal yang sama? kalo boleh tau PS3 nya Fat yah?

    2. sama bang data corrupted nya, trus ps3 saya super slim

  2. Saya instal yg 4.82 conra. Kenapa kok firmware di dalam multiman jd 4.75 ya?

    1. Maaf, kalo boleh tau firmware sebelumnya apa?

  3. untuk multiman nya apakah harus di upgrade juga?

    1. sebaiknya di update juga, tapi tidak di updatepun tidak apa apa

  4. gan dari cfw 4.80 langsung up ke 4.82 bisa?

    1. klo mo balik lg dr 4.82 k 4.80 bisa gan?? trus sy udh up k 4.82 standar mo di ganti ke 4.82 versi CFW 4.82 FERROX v1.01 COBRA 7.55 bisa? takutnya error

  5. apa suport game ps2 di ps3 slim

  6. apa suport game ps 2 di ps 3 slim

  7. Bang klo di update game di dalam multimen akam terhapus

  8. Bang klo di update game di dalam multimen akan ikut terhapus???

  9. oom boleh info, mau dicoba data is corrupted

  10. Ps3 saya cfw cobra 4.81 saya ingin upgrade karena saya ingin pasang webman karena saya nggak nemu webman buat 4.81 , jd saya harus download yg mana ? Ke 2 atau ke 3 ?

    1. Saya rasa semuanya bisa di instal, btw saya punya ps3 cfw cobra 4.81 dan untuk webMAN dapat dilihat di Backup Game PlayStation 3 ke PC dan Mainkan di Konsol PS3

  11. gan kalo dari cfw kmeaw 3.55 mau ganti ke CFW 4.82 FERROX NoBD COBRA 7.55 cara nya gmn

  12. Bang, kalau dari versi 4.46 ke 4.82 bisa gak?


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